Contingency fund
Since January 2020, Act 16 on co-ownership came into force in Quebec. This Act and its resulting regulations will require you to conduct a contingency fund study and a maintenance logbook issued by professional orders recognized by the Government of Quebec.
Whether you are a property manager, a member of a condominium board, or a real estate developer, at Groupe Civitas our mission is simple: to ensure the longevity of your buildings.
Our expertise will provide you with:
- A property condition assessment,
- A comprehensive inspection report and observed deficiencies,
- A complete inventory of your common components,
- A detailed view of significant upcoming expenditures for the next 25 years,
- A reserve fund study,
- A customized maintenance log.
Working with Groupe Civitas will give you peace of mind, ensure compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements, and provide proper maintenance of your building without burdening future generations.

Entrust us with the study of
your contingency fund
With the help of our adapted tools, we will be a partner of choice for the maintenance of your buildings.